Yes – London 2004 Jan09

Yes – London 2...

John P and I were in the UK and got back from seeing the Who and Bowie at the Isle of Wight the night before this Yes show. We’d picked up some bug and on the way to the show, on the South Bank actually, I threw up three days of crappy festival food and awful beer, and never made it to...

Yes Rick Wakeman Sig...

Yesspeak was awful, but getting the chance to chat with Mr Wakeman again was...

Signed Yes Art by Ro...

  This was to support Yes’ Union record from 1991. 20 years later, I interviewed Roger on KRSH UK. Nice...

Yes’ Chris Squ...

I met him and his wife and daughter backstage at the festival. He signed my program and was wearing the same striped suit I saw him wear onstage at Wembley a few years...

Yes – UK 1971

Lovely “non” story about Yes not playing more dates that year. Not riveting editorial but some great photos of pre-Fragile/ Rick Wakeman Yes....

Yes Sweatshirt – Newcastle 1980 Dec29

Yes Sweatshirt ̵...

This is a sweat shirt I bought at a Yes show in Newcastle in 1980. I’d seen them a couple of times before with the classic line-up and, being the purist I was, I had to push myself to go and see the new lineup featuring Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes of Buggles fame. It was a strange show. The...