John and I loved it, hit the tent and woke up with food poisoning. Yes, it was the food not the beverages....
Who Badges – U...
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Both bought at the Durham Book Center in Sunderland when I was about 14. I just love the big 2-3″ badges. Say it like you mean...
Keith Moon Signed Bi...
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Not a bad book, but written from secondary sources as he never got to see or meet Moonie – just like me. I got this book signed at a Who convention in London. 500 blokes and not a girl in the house!...
The Who – Phil...
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The ‘Orrible ‘Oo in Philly. I love radio station gig...
Roger Daltrey –...
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Another one of my 8”x10” promo shot collection of the ‘Oo. He weathered rather...
The Who Rolling Ston...
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A nice celebration of the ‘orrible ‘oo from Rolling...