The Who Music Weekli...

A few of the huge number of Who articles in the collection. These are from 1978 and cover the release of Who Are You, the forthcoming Quadrophenia movie and their return to lives show – all just before the death of...

Led Zeppelin –...

One of a number of original Zeppelin black and white 8×10″s I’ve picked up in Northern California. This one came as part of a group of 10, most of which are from the Oakland ’77 show. I’ll post the others over time, along with an original poster from the...

Lennon Shooting R...

One of several newspapers I have that cover the shooting of John Lennon and its...

Sgt. Pepper’s ...

The sleeve was designed by Peter Blake and Jann Haworth, based on a drawing by Paul McCartney. It was art directed by 60’s icon, Robert Fraser and the whole cover project cost $3000. I was given it by EMI Records not long after it was released for the first time on CD. A special item in...

The Who Cutouts R...

Two Pete’s are always better than...

Rod Stewart and Ronn...

Quite an amazing evening. I look like the Cheshire Cat. True rock n’ roll royalty. I didn’t know until afterwards, but Roger Q pointed out that the bloke behind my horrifically tied back hair is snooker player Jimmy...