I love this double sided, round poster that my friend Vince commissioned for Virgin from design studio, Firehouse. It was a limited edition giveaway for the Anthology collection. They’re quite rare these...
The Runaways Sandy W...
posted by davealder@mac.com
Not long after moving to LA in 1998, a friend offered to take me to the Orange Bowl flea market in Pasadena to look for records. On the way he asked me what I fancied looking for, to which I replied, the Runaways albums. Not only did I find “Queens of Noise”, but I also ran...
Kiss – London ...
posted by davealder@mac.com
In 1983, Kiss held a signing session at the Virgin Megastore in London for the recently released Creatures of the Night record. About 6 of us hopped on the bus from Sheffield and traveled down there for a shake of the hand and an autograph. You were only allowed one signature per band member,...
Van Halen David Lee ...
posted by davealder@mac.com
I’ve had several DLR encounters, all of them quite ridiculous but fun. He signed this sleeve when he came by the Virgin offices in LA. I’ll save the stories for other...
Reading Festival ...
posted by davealder@mac.com
I bought this 1977 poster at my first of many Reading Festivals in 1980. I’ve always loved this line-up and wish I’d been there. I remember exploring so many of the bands on it around that time. SAHB, Lizzy, Aerosmith, Frankie Miller are still among my all time faves. It was a...